Chronicle of Atzoatl PoE Incursion's Temple of Atzoatl 3.14 (2024)

Challenge: Assist the Forsaken MastersThe Temple of Atzoatl quick guideChronicle of Atzoatl
Open Rooms Cheat SheetItemise an Incursion Temple

User Interface Changes 3.20

Right-clicking on a Chronicle of Atzoatl now allows you to view the Temple of Atzoatl (previously Ctrl+Click). The text on Chronicle of Atzoatl items has also been updated to mention this.

Challenge: Temporal Detour

  • Complete Temples of Atzoatl x20

Mechanics: Incursion league.

Note: usingChronicle of Atzoatl PoE Incursion's Temple of Atzoatl 3.14 (1) Chronicle of Atzoatl does not count as completing this challenge. You must open the Temple of Atzoatl yourself.

Alva, Master Explorer (real name Alva Valai )is a master. She gives the player access to incursions, followed by the Temple of Atzoatl once enough incursions are completed. Players can encounter Alva from act 7 onwards.

Alva can spawn in three different locations in a zone where she can be found. Speak to her and complete the incursion in each location.

The Temple of Atzoatl is a large dungeon area. The layout and contents of the temple change depending on the player's incursions. After 12 temporal incursions, Alva Valai will have narrowed down the present-day location of the Temple of Atzoatl. Each type of room in the temple has its own modifiers, risks and rewards.

Chronicle of Atzoatl PoE Incursion's Temple of Atzoatl 3.14 (2)

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The Temple of Atzoatl quick guide

  1. First complete 12 incursions by talking to Alva within the acts or in maps. Then talk to her to view the temple layout.
  2. Click theOpen Templebutton to spawn 6 portals to the temple around yourMap Device. Enter any portal.
  3. Run north to the entrance, and navigate north-west (up-left) to reach the boss room. The image depicts an open door that can be passed through.

    These are doors that you unlocked using theStone of Passageduring previous incursions.

  4. At some point you may come across a container that holds aFlashpowder Keg.

    This keg is very valuable and must be saved to open a blocked passage to the boss room (if it is blocked). Do not use it on mundate blocked doors as you may get only 1 in an entire temple, if any.

  5. At some point you may come across blocked doors. These are passages that you did not manage to open using theStone of Passage.

    Just backtrack, and find another way to reach the room.

  6. As you can see in this map, the only passage leading to the boss arena is blocked and thus we have to blast our way through.
  7. You can now use theFlashpowder Kegto blast our way through and enter the boss arena.
  8. Before entering the boss room, spawn a portal so you can return to this point if you die. Then enter the boss arena door.
  9. Defeat the boss,The Vaal Omnitect.
  10. If you die, you can return to the temple using any of the remaining portals. If you kill the boss, portals will spawn to let you return to your hideout.

Chronicle of Atzoatl

Chronicle of Atzoatl PoE Incursion's Temple of Atzoatl 3.14 (3) Chronicle of Atzoatl (Search) can be used in a personal Map Device to open portals to the Temple of Atzoatl in the present day. Area Level: (54-86).
  • Portal: The Temple of Atzoatl

Incursion has received many improvements to its rewards, including the ability to turn your Temple of Atzoatl into an item that can be traded to other players.

Flavour text: “Evidence suggests that Atzoatl’s influence grew great enough that Atziri herself moved her seat of power to within its walls.” – Icius Perandus, Antiquities Collection, Royal Decree cast in Bronze

Chronicle of Atzoatl PoE Incursion's Temple of Atzoatl 3.14 (4)

Open Rooms Cheat Sheet

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Contains Modifiers
Guardhouse Barracks Hall of War +10/20/30% Monster pack size
Workshop Engineering Department Factory Criticals Rank 3 Crafting Recipe 5/10/15% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
Unique Boss has 15/25/35% increased Life
Explosives Room Demolition Lab Shrine of Unmaking 1/2/3 Explosive Kegs at each respective Level
(Unlocks doors that weren't opened in Incursions)
Splinter Research Lab Breach Containment Chamber House of the Others Clasped Hands/1 Breach/3 Breaches at each respective Level
Vault Treasury Wealth of the Vaal Currency Items, including stacked currency, shards, and Orbs of Binding
Sparring Room Arena of Valour Hall of Champions Weapons
Accuracy Rank 3 Crafting Recipe
10/15/20% increased Monster Damage
Armourer's Workshop Armoury Chamber of Iron Armour
Animate Guardian Crafting Recipe
10/20/30% more Monster Life
Jeweller's Workshop Jewellery Forge Glittering Halls Jewelry, including Talismans and divination cards
Surveyor's Study Office of Cartography Atlas of Worlds Maps(including sextant)

Maps have a chance to drop with theVaalprefix

Gemcutter's Workshop Department of Thaumaturgy Doryani's Institute Gems

At Level 3, contains Lapidary Lens(Double-corrupts a gem)

Torment Cells Torture Cages sad*st's Den Room contains 3/5/7 Tormented Spirits

At Level 3, Architects and the Omnitect are possessed by a Tormented Spirit.

Strongbox Chamber Hall of Locks Court of Sealed Death Room contains 2/4/6 Strongboxes
Hall of Mettle Hall of Heroes Hall of Legends Room contains a Timeless Monolith

At Level 2, guarantees a War Hoard spawn.

At Level 3, also guarantees a General spawn.

Sacrificial Chamber Hall of Offerings Apex of Ascension Altar of Sacrifice(Change a unique item into another

At Level 2, league-specific uniques can be obtained.

At Level 3, you will gain a unique item of the same item class as the one sacrificed. You can also sacrifice a specific unique with the rightvialto upgrade it.)
Reduced Damage over Time Crafting Recipe

Storage Room Warehouses Museum of Artifacts Numerous item-specific chests (gems, divination cards, essences, maps, prophecies)

At Level 3, league-specific Uniques can appear as well

Corruption Chamber Catalyst of Corruption Locus of Corruption At Level 3, Altar of Corruption
(Corrupt an item and:
  • Change all its sockets to white
  • Add two Vaal implicit mods
  • Transform it intoShadowstitchif aSacrificial Garbwas used
  • Transform it into a Rare Shaper or Elder item
  • Destroy it)
-6/8/10% maximum Player Resistances
Shrine of Empowerment Sanctum of Unity Temple Nexus At Level 3, upgrades directly connected rooms by one Tier 10/15/20% increased Attack & Cast Speed
Tempest Generator Hurricane Engine Storm of Corruption
At Level 3, room contains a magic item with aTopotanteIncursion mod
AddsTempeststo the temple; At Level 3, Corrupting or Radiating Tempests are generated
Poison Garden Cultivar Chamber Toxic Grove Chaos Damage Rank 3 Crafting Recipe
At Level 3, contains a magic item with aTacatiIncursion mod orApep's Slumber
Area is Overgrown with Caustic Plants
(Creates Caustic Cloud when walked over, can contain loot)
Trap Workshop Temple Defense Workshop Defense Research Lab Traps and Mines Rank 2 Crafting Recipe
At Level 3, contains a magic item with aMatatlIncursion mod orArchitect's Hand
Adds Labyrinth Traps to the Temple
Pools of Restoration Sanctum of Vitality Sanctum of Immortality Leech Rank 2 Crafting Recipe
At Level 3, contains a magic item with aGuatelitziIncursion mod orMask of the Spirit Drinker
Non-Unique Monsters in this Area Regenerate 4/6/8% of Maximum Life per second
Flame Workshop Omnitect Forge Crucible of Flame At Level 3, contains a magic item with aPuhuarteIncursion mod orStory of the Vaal Augments the Omnitect with fire
Lightning Workshop Omnitect Reactor Plant Conduit of Lightning At Level 3, contains a magic item with aXopecIncursion mod orDance of the Offered Augments the Omnitect with lightning
Hatchery Automaton Lab Hybridisation Chamber Minions Rank 3 Crafting Recipe
At Level 3, contains a magic item with aCitaqualotlIncursion mod orCoward's Chains
Augments the Omnitect with minions
Royal Meeting Room Hall of Lords Throne of Atziri At Level 3, containsAtziri, Queen of the Vaal 10/15/20% increased Attack & Cast Speed

List of Open Rooms & Obstructed Rooms

This is a list of incursion rooms that can appear in temporal incursions and in the Temple of Atzoatl. There is a total of 87 incursion rooms, with 25 upgradable variants and 12 non-upgradeable rooms.

Name Tier Effect Architect Mods
Antechamber 0
Armourer's Workshop 1 Monsters throughout the Temple have increased life.
Contains chests full of armour.
Atmohua, Architect of Iron 10% more MonsterLife
Armoury 2 Monsters throughout the Temple have increased life.
Contains chests full of armour.
Atmohua, Architect of Iron 20% more MonsterLife
Chamber of Iron 3 Monsters throughout the Temple have increased life.
Contains chests full of armour.
Atmohua, Architect of Iron 30% more MonsterLife
Banquet Hall 0
Apex of Atzoatl 0
Flame Workshop 1 Augments the Omnitect with fire. Puhuarte, Architect of the Forge
Omnitect Forge 2 Augments the Omnitect with fire. Puhuarte, Architect of the Forge
Crucible of Flame 3 Augments the Omnitect with fire.
Contains a valuable item.
Puhuarte, Architect of the Forge
Lightning Workshop 1 Augments the Omnitect with lightning. Xopec, Architect of Power
Omnitect Reactor Plant 2 Augments the Omnitect with lightning. Xopec, Architect of Power
Conduit of Lightning 3 Augments the Omnitect with lightning.
Contains a valuable item.
Xopec, Architect of Power
Hatchery 1 Augments the Omnitect with minions. Citaqualotl, Architect of the Swarm
Automaton Lab 2 Augments the Omnitect with minions. Citaqualotl, Architect of the Swarm
Hybridisation Chamber 3 Augments the Omnitect with minions.
Contains a valuable item.
Citaqualotl, Architect of the Swarm
Splinter Research Lab 1 Contains Breach Splinters. Zilquapa, Architect of the Breach
Breach Containment Chamber 2 Contains a Breach. Zilquapa, Architect of the Breach
House of the Others 3 Contains three Breaches. Zilquapa, Architect of the Breach
Guardhouse 1 Increases monster pack size throughout the Temple. Cholotl, Architect of the War +10% Monster pack size
Barracks 2 Increases monster pack size throughout the Temple. Cholotl, Architect of the War +20% Monster pack size
Hall of War 3 Increases monster pack size throughout the Temple. Cholotl, Architect of the War +30% Monster pack size
Surveyor's Study 1 Contains chests full of maps. Uromoti, Architect of Expansion
Office of Cartography 2 Contains chests full of maps. Uromoti, Architect of Expansion
Atlas of Worlds 3 Contains chests full of maps. Uromoti, Architect of Expansion
Cellar 0
Chasm 0
Storage Room 1 Contains chests full of items. Juatalotli, Architect of the Hoard
Warehouses 2 Contains chests full of items. Juatalotli, Architect of the Hoard
Museum of Artifacts 3 Contains chests full of items. Juatalotli, Architect of the Hoard
Cloister 0
Corruption Chamber 1 Reduces player maximum resistances throughout the Temple. Paquate, Architect of Corruption -6% maximum Player Resistances
Catalyst of Corruption 2 Reduces player maximum resistances throughout the Temple. Paquate, Architect of Corruption -8% maximum Player Resistances
Locus of Corruption 3 Reduces player maximum resistances throughout the Temple.
Contains an Altar of Corruption.
Paquate, Architect of Corruption -10% maximum Player Resistances
Vault 1 Contains chests full of currency items. Estazunti, Architect of the Vault
Treasury 2 Contains chests full of currency items. Estazunti, Architect of the Vault
Wealth of the Vaal 3 Contains chests full of currency items. Estazunti, Architect of the Vault
Shrine of Empowerment 1 Increases the speed of monsters throughout the Temple. Quipolatl, Architect of the Nexus 10% increased MonsterCast Speed
10% increased MonsterAttack Speed
Sanctum of Unity 2 Increases the speed of monsters throughout the Temple. Quipolatl, Architect of the Nexus 15% increased MonsterCast Speed
15% increased MonsterAttack Speed
Monsters drop items 1Levelhigher
Temple Nexus 3 Increases the speed of monsters throughout the Temple.
Increases level of items dropped by one
Upgrades connected rooms by one Tier.
Quipolatl, Architect of the Nexus 20% increased MonsterCast Speed
20% increased MonsterAttack Speed
Monsters drop items 1Levelhigher
Entrance 0
Explosives Room 1 Contains an Explosive Charge. Hayoxi, Architect of Destruction
Demolition Lab 2 Contains Explosive Charges. Hayoxi, Architect of Destruction
Shrine of Unmaking 3 Contains Explosive Charges. Hayoxi, Architect of Destruction
Gemcutter's Workshop 1 Contains chests full of gems. Zalatl, Architect of Thaumaturgy
Department of Thaumaturgy 2 Contains chests full of gems. Zalatl, Architect of Thaumaturgy
Doryani's Institute 3 Contains chests full of gems and a device that can corrupt gems in a special way. Zalatl, Architect of Thaumaturgy
Halls 0
Pools of Restoration 1 Heals monsters in the Temple. Guatelitzi, Architect of Flesh Normal Monsters in this Area Regenerate 4% ofLifeper second
Magic Monsters in this Area Regenerate 3% ofLifeper second
Rare Monsters in this Area Regenerate 2% ofLifeper second
Sanctum of Vitality 2 Heals monsters in the Temple. Guatelitzi, Architect of Flesh Normal Monsters in this Area Regenerate 6% ofLifeper second
Magic Monsters in this Area Regenerate 4.5% ofLifeper second
Rare Monsters in this Area Regenerate 3% ofLifeper second
Sanctum of Immortality 3 Heals monsters in the Temple.
Contains a valuable item.
Guatelitzi, Architect of Flesh Normal Monsters in this Area Regenerate 8% ofLifeper second
Magic Monsters in this Area Regenerate 6% ofLifeper second
Rare Monsters in this Area Regenerate 4% ofLifeper second
Hall of Mettle 1 Contains a Timeless Monolith. Opiloti, Architect of Strife
Hall of Heroes 2 Contains a valuable Timeless Monolith. Opiloti, Architect of Strife Each Legion contains a War Hoard
Hall of Legends 3 Contains a Timeless Monolith that will reveal two Generals. Opiloti, Architect of Strife Each Legion contains a War Hoard
Each Legion is accompanied by a General
Passageways 0
Poison Garden 1 Spreads poisonous plants throughout the Temple. Tacati, Architect of Toxins Area is Overgrown with Caustic Plants
Cultivar Chamber 2 Spreads poisonous plants throughout the Temple. Tacati, Architect of Toxins Area is Overgrown with Large Caustic Plants
Toxic Grove 3 Spreads poisonous plants throughout the Temple.
Contains a valuable item.
Tacati, Architect of Toxins Area is Overgrown with Parasitic Caustic Plants
Royal Meeting Room 1 Increases the speed of monsters throughout the Temple. Xipocado, Royal Architect 10% increased MonsterCast Speed
10% increased MonsterAttack Speed
Hall of Lords 2 Increases the speed of monsters throughout the Temple. Xipocado, Royal Architect 15% increased MonsterCast Speed
15% increased MonsterAttack Speed
Throne of Atziri 3 Increases the speed of monsters throughout the Temple.
Contains Queen Atziri.
Xipocado, Royal Architect 20% increased MonsterCast Speed
20% increased MonsterAttack Speed
Sacrificial Chamber 1 Allows you to sacrifice a unique item. Ahuana, Architect of Ceremonies
Hall of Offerings 2 Allows you to sacrifice a unique item. Ahuana, Architect of Ceremonies
Apex of Ascension 3 Allows you to sacrifice a unique item. Ahuana, Architect of Ceremonies
Tempest Generator 1 Adds certain Tempests to the Temple. Topotante, Architect of Storms
Hurricane Engine 2 Adds certain Tempests to the Temple. Topotante, Architect of Storms
Storm of Corruption 3 Adds Corrupting or Radiating Tempests to the Temple.
Contains a valuable item.
Topotante, Architect of Storms
Strongbox Chamber 1 Contains Strongboxes. Zantipi, Architect of Concealment
Hall of Locks 2 Contains Strongboxes. Zantipi, Architect of Concealment
Court of Sealed Death 3 Contains Strongboxes. Zantipi, Architect of Concealment
Pits 0
Tombs 0
Torment Cells 1 Contains Tormented Spirits. Tzamoto, Architect of Torments
Torture Cages 2 Contains Tormented Spirits. Tzamoto, Architect of Torments
sad*st's Den 3 Contains Tormented Spirits. Tzamoto, Architect of Torments
Trap Workshop 1 Adds traps throughout the Temple. Matatl, Architect of Fortifications
Temple Defense Workshop 2 Adds traps throughout the Temple. Matatl, Architect of Fortifications
Defense Research Lab 3 Adds traps throughout the Temple.
Contains a valuable item.
Matatl, Architect of Fortifications
Jeweller's Workshop 1 Contains chests full of jewellery. Azcapa, Architect of the Guild
Jewellery Forge 2 Contains chests full of jewellery. Azcapa, Architect of the Guild
Glittering Halls 3 Contains chests full of jewellery. Azcapa, Architect of the Guild
Tunnels 0
Sparring Room 1 Increases monster damage throughout the Temple.
Contains chests full of weapons.
Ticaba, Architect of the Arena 10% increased Monster Damage
Arena of Valour 2 Increases monster damage throughout the Temple.
Contains chests full of weapons.
Ticaba, Architect of the Arena 15% increased Monster Damage
Hall of Champions 3 Increases monster damage throughout the Temple.
Contains chests full of weapons.
Ticaba, Architect of the Arena 20% increased Monster Damage
Workshop 1 Increases the life of the Omnitect.
Increases item yield of the Temple.
Jiquani, Architect of Industry 5% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
Unique Boss has 15% increasedLife
Engineering Department 2 Increases the life of the Omnitect.
Increases item yield of the Temple.
Jiquani, Architect of Industry 10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
Unique Boss has 25% increasedLife
Factory 3 Increases the life of the Omnitect and Monsters throughout the Temple. Increases item yield of the Temple. Jiquani, Architect of Industry 15% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
Unique Boss has 35% increasedLife

Itemise an Incursion Temple

One of the favourite reward changes in this expansion is that Incursion’s Temple of Atzoatl can now be itemised.

Once you have access to the Map Device, Alva can turn your completed and ready-to-run temple into a tradeable object that can be consumed in the map device. This means that players can specialise in either making temples to trade to other players, or trading for temples that are ready to run.

Chronicle of Atzoatl PoE Incursion's Temple of Atzoatl 3.14 (5) Talk to Alva and click View Temple. It will open the Temple of Atzoatl panel.

Chronicle of Atzoatl PoE Incursion's Temple of Atzoatl 3.14 (6)

Itemise an Incursion Temple by clicking Take Temple Chronicle: turn your Temple layout into an Item that can be used in a map device.

Chronicle of Atzoatl PoE Incursion's Temple of Atzoatl 3.14 (7)

Obtain a Chronicle of Atzoatl. It includes your Temple layout.

Chronicle of Atzoatl PoE Incursion's Temple of Atzoatl 3.14 (8)

Place the Chronicle of Atzoatl into your map device and Activate it.

Chronicle of Atzoatl PoE Incursion's Temple of Atzoatl 3.14 (9)

Travel in Incursion’s Temple of Atzoatl and loots your rewards.

Temple of Atzoatl Rewards

There have also been a lot of changes to the temple. As you may know, specific rooms in the Temple of Atzoatl can drop unique incursion items that can later be upgraded. Many of these base unique items have been improved in this update.

Previously, the temple’s boss, the Omnitect, dropped random rare items with special incursion mods on them. Now it also drops rare items with incursion mods based around the themes of the rooms your temple contains.

Higher-tier rooms cause more rare items. Specific rooms now add specific monster packs to the temple, which result in more monster density, challenge and reward. Temple mods have been buffed so that if your temple has more high-tier rooms then it’s equivalent to a good map.

GGG has performed a modernisation pass on rewards from temple rooms so that they’re competitive with rewards from newer leagues. The Explosives Rooms now contain some basic chests that can be opened with Flashpowder Kegs if you don’t need them for opening a path elsewhere in the temple.

IncursionAtlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
3 Incursion Pack Size Normal
  • Incursions in your Maps have 5% increased Pack Size
1 Incursion Upgrade Chance Normal
  • Killing non-resident Architects in your Maps has 10% chance to add an additional Upgrade Tier to the surviving Architect's Room

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Non-resident Architects are those that can be killed to upgrade the Incursion room)
1 Resource Reallocation Notable
  • Killing non-resident Architects in your Maps has 40% chance to add an additional Upgrade Tier to the surviving Architect's Room

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Non-resident Architects are those that can be killed to upgrade the Incursion room)
1 Contested Development Notable
  • Killing resident Architects in your Maps adds their Upgrade Tier to the surviving Architect's Room

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Resident Architects are those that can be killed to change the Incursion room)

IncursionAtlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
6 Incursion Mission Chance Normal
  • Your Maps have 1% chance to grant an additional Alva Mission on Completion
4 Incursion Item Quantity Normal
  • 5% increased Quantity of Items dropped in Incursions in your Maps
1 Vaal Oligarchs Notable
  • Incursions in your Maps contain a Vaal Flesh Merchant
1 Artefacts of the Vaal Notable
  • Your Maps with Incursions always have four Incursions

IncursionAtlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1 Time Dilation Notable
  • Incursions in your Maps have 33% chance for all Monsters to be at least Magic
  • Time gained from Kills is Doubled for Incursions in your Maps

IncursionAtlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1 The Perpetual Search Notable
  • Your Maps have 4% chance to grant an additional Alva Mission on Completion

Temporal Detour

Complete each of the following Incursion encounters.

  • Complete Red Tier Alva Master Missions x30
  • Upgrade Incursion Temple rooms to Tier 3 x50
  • Complete Temples of Atzoatl x20
  • Defeat the Omnitect while it is augmented by at least two Tier 3 rooms in an area of level 83
Chronicle of Atzoatl PoE Incursion's Temple of Atzoatl 3.14 (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.